Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Infinite capacity

I am capable of almost anything. This is not an exceptional trait but one every person possesses. True there are biological limits to human capacity-we are unlikely to breathe underwater or fly or piss strawberry milkshake, but we are infinite wells of possibility. We can learn to speak a million languages, to absorb the most complexly mathematical scientific theories, we can memorise dozens upon dozens of facts, we can bend our bodies into unthinkable shapes or jump higher and further than any trampoline could thrust us. We can master any skill we set our hands to.
There is no obstacle in the world around us that can truly prevent us from reaching our potential-the only thing that keeps us from brilliance is ourselves; our conviction that we cannot, our belief that we will never be good at some things, never master certain tasks or in certain cases that we are no good, have no potential, no talent and nothing to offer the world or anyone in it. We choose an ordinary life because we'd rather take what we can get, what we know we have than challenge ourselves and strive for more than what we were born with, more than what comes naturally. Letting go of fear, insecurity and suspending disbelief is the only way to make ourselves free to be great. If you hold back the only thing you're holding back is yourself-and the person you have yet to unleash is even better than the person you feel safe being-so why not let yourself loose?

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