Friday, 31 May 2013


Hello there interwebbers! I apologise for my online absence but I have been on the hunt. I am currently job hunting like the proverbial mad-yoke while broadening my horizons through study and literature (on top of my busy jobbity job for the lovely I have a great deal of exciting topics to broach here with ye faithful readers however at this current moment I am completely and most utterly spent (or as we Irish call it-buggered). Searching for jobs is a) exhausting b) time consuming and c) utterly bleeding depressing. It is no use being academic/literary/sporty/quick on the uptake if you don’t have the Holy Grail- experience. One becomes stuck in this vicious cycle of being unable to get a job because you don’t have experience and unable to get experience because no one will give you a job. Apparently my months in slavery (working for Supermacs) are not enough to secure me even a waitressing position! I am a ballerina! I can balance plates without too much trouble I’m sure! If I can remember the contemporary history of Eastern Europe I’m fairly sure I can remember not to put onions on table 5’s burger. Alas I am apparently unemployable. Walking from business to business in Dublin today I felt like I had a big stamp on my forehead saying INEXPERIENCED. I would consider myself more than qualified for most of the things I have applied for and for the ones where training is required I am quick as the proverbial whip at picking things up. It is so terrible to spend time compiling a list of everything you’ve done and everything you’re good at only to be basically realise your skills are inadequate or useless in the so called working world. Ye of little self-esteem (cough me cough) shall suffer greatly from this level of rejection-the job market is treating me the way boys treated 13 year old me-with complete and utter disinterest! If you like I are struggling away in the aul job market and considering selling yourself as a human rug to gain some meagre funds DO NOT DESPAIR. I am telling you right now that employers are fools-you are a delightful being filled with potential! You have skills. You are capable, talented and downright dynamite! Keep your heads up job seekers because while it may be cripplingly depressing and while you may feel inadequate you will one day be laughing at these silly managers and owners who based your abilities on a silly slip of paper and a lack of experience. 

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