Friday, 1 February 2013

Beautiful words

Whats your favourite word? This is a question my littlest brother often asks me. Personally one of my favourites is 'physalis' just cos its fun to say! My most used word is 'lovely' I think its just, well lovely! I often use it as a noun as a a term of endearment e.g. 'oh hello lovely you ok?'. I remember when I was younger a guy I really liked told me he liked me because I was 'different and lovely' and to this day it is probably one of my favourite compliments; the perfect words for me.
Today out of boredom I googled 'beautiful words'. I got a couple of links that were just different synonyms (that's another word I like- synonym) for beautiful. As a language student i think the English language is quite limited when it comes to describing beauty, traditional romance languages, like French or Spanish have dozens of much more acutely pleasing words for beauty; such as the Spanish 'hermosa' which I love. Ok I'm getting side-tracked!  So i found a list of beautiful words and it is probably the best thing I've ever discovered on the internet. I love literature and poetry so I think I get more pleasure from words than your average person but some of these were just phenomenal!
One of the new words I learned from this was 'insouciance' (another word for nonchalance) or 'somnabulance'. 'Tessellated' is another beaut even if its meaning isn't especially exciting.
I realize this is a rather erratic post in an already erratic blog but I just like to use this as a place to explore random little ideas. Beautiful words can transform things, we all know the power of words. One wrong word can change your opinion of someone, one kind word can make you realize how glad you are to have someone in your life and one complimentary word can make you realize you liked someone all along. I don't know how much power my words have, I used to be incredibly into poetry just because the power of them astounded me. Like the way song lyrics can seem to perfectly reflect your life I think that any words whether spoken or read have a potency like nothing else the mind conceives if only because its a an intellectual sense rather than a physical experience.
For me while a stunning view or a moving piece of music or even the thrill of touch will always have the capacity to be magical a beautiful word can create something completely different. A word doesnt have to be extraordinary to be powerful, magical or to make us feel phenomenal. (that's my last one-phenomenal; what a word!).

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