Monday 4 February 2013

The need for something beautiful

Its human nature to have an awe and admiration for beauty; all references to the magnificence of deities are in the beauty they create rather than their destructive powers; any peace of music or artwork or literature that moves us is because of the beauty of it; when we love someone, as a friend or more it is because we see something beautiful in them. Perhaps this is why there is a creative spark in all of us, a need not just to seek out beauty but to create it; in a way to master and own it. 
We are too well acquainted with ourselves and our individual shortcomings to wholly accept the beauty that is already inherent in all of us. Passion is beautiful, emotion, strength or bravery, love and loyalty. We all possess stunning and inspiring traits. Every person had a beauty in their character just as every person has a physical beauty (some enviably more than others). 
One of the enigmas of beauty is how it is subjective; both a blessing and a curse. We all have different concepts of beauty. Different schools of art tried to dictate what was beautiful; clear cut shapes of Japanese woodcuts, detail and symmetry of classical works, the movement and colour of Impressionism, the geometric asymmetricality of post Impressionism... Each appealing in it's own right. 
People are the same; there is an aesthetic quality to every variation of the human form...I like to see the world as though I am creating a portrait of life, enhancing the pleasing qualities of all I experience. This does not mean ignoring the uglier aspects of everything but merely choosing to focus on the beauty. 
As I said before we all have a nee to possess beauty, to seek it out. This takes the form of expression through writing, clothing or music or even speaking. For others it's gathering interesting friends and nurturing relationships, creating memories that are beautiful or encouraging love. For others it's the more obvious pursuit of love, usually in youth this is the same as the pursuit of beauty; attraction, appeal. Something about having a beautiful person love you ( whether beautiful in the movie star sense or in the sense of how they are as a person) enhances the beauty f the world around you and your appreciation of it and indeed you own inherent beauty. It's extremely powerful. 
For me there are days when I just need to create something that is beautiful to me; to capture some beauty and have it for my own for a little while; to draw something or photograph something or sew something. The same way we sometimes need to go out and immerse ourselves in a crowd or listen to music loudly or feel something or kiss someone; creating beauty nurtures our human need to feel something, to be stimulated.
The most elusive of all feelings is that feeling that you are someone's beautiful thing; that your laughter warms their heart, that looking at you makes them think of poetry and music, that the touch of your hand is as beautiful as a sunset or an ocean view. Not only do we all strive to find beauty, but I believe a small part of us strives not just to create beauty but to be ourselves as beautiful as we can be, not in the ways of style magazine but in the purer sense of the term. Beauty defines all our lives in one way or another and I think is one of the things that make life what it is. A beautiful adventure.

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