Friday 15 February 2013


One of the things I have noticed since starting this blog is just how interesting the process of writing is. Sometimes the words pour out easily, flowing together cohenrantly as naturally as thinking. SOmetimes its hard to string together your thoughts, ideas seem t slip through your fingers mid sentence and your left staring at the page wondering how to get your head and the piece straight. Somtimes you write in the vernacular, words typed as though you are speaking them to a friend and other days they appear with a surprising poetry , a rythm and pattern and eloquent phrasing. Someitmes you barely need to look over something to know that it came out pure as a dream, other days the number of squigly red lines and awkward phrsaes seems to indicate that a second class child was typing your gabbled dictation.
I guess the beauty of writing is there are so many styles, so many voices, so many words and phrases and forms to it. Literature is my favourite part of my course at college, I love looking at the difference between poetry, plays, novels, short stories, films; the magic of how different media transform stories.
Even the difference between comedy, tragedy, romance; like all the different perszonalities of the poeple in your life tell their stories, all the different styles of written expression tell the stories we enjoy every day.
I guess I just find the process magical- its like thinking in a much more physical way; sometimes abstract and surreal, sometimes tructured and purposeful, sometimes themed, sometimes linked uo with a dozen ither ideas. Sometimes there is one singular thought. One singular theme or word or phrase. today the one concept is 'writing'.

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